Welcome to the Guam High School!
Hafa Adai and welcome to the Home of the Panthers! Our mission is: To Educate, Engage and Empower Each Student to Succeed in a Dynamic World. Our Vision is:
We are:
G - Global Thinkers
R - Responsible citizens
I - Inspiring Innovators
T -Twenty-first Century Learners
And we have GRIT!
Our primary focus: Improving student achievement.
Highest student achievement is our focus. We continuously analyze our student performance data and it drives all of our instructional decisions. We purposefully plan to deliver the latest 21stCentury teaching and learning strategies in our classrooms to engage all students. Our professional teaching staff is a committed, highly educated workforce with experience in teaching children and developing strong, positive relationships. Our military connected students deserve the best and we intend to deliver! Students can be expected to be engaged in using technology, STEM, making decisions, self-reflecting, effective writing and project based learning, collaborating with peers, and creating their own learning.
College and Career Readiness and 21st Century Learning
This school year we will be implementing the College and Career Readiness Standards for Literacy (CCRSL)and Mathematics (CCRSM). This is a purposefully planned roll out in support of increasing rigor in instruction across the curriculum. This is one of the instructional shifts that our teachers will be implementing this school year.
Our high expectations and rigorous curriculum are designed to challenge each student to reach their full potential and to have the needed skill sets to become effective, contributing members of a global society. College and career readiness and 21st century skills are embedded in our classroom instruction and challenging activities!
New Student Orientation, First Day of School and Parent Open House
Our school day begins at 07:30 a.m. and ends at 2:00p.m, with the exception of Tuesdays when students are released at 1pm.
We look forward to an engaging, productive school year! I encourage you to check our school calendar daily for important information and events.
We communicate with families using a variety of methods including personal calls, Facebook, Twitter, One Call Now system updates, email, meetings, newsletters, and conferences.
We gladly welcome any suggestions and will address any concerns. Please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to serving you!
Go Panthers!
Guam High School